From Under The Bed
Join Stevie and Sarah under the bed each episode as they discuss spooky movies old and new! Grab your flashlights, a blanket, and some snacks. It's about to get SpOoKy!
From Under The Bed
Dark Skies (2013)
Stevie Andujar & Sarah de Leon
Dust Bunnies, how could Dark Skies have been hiding from us for so long?! And by that, we mean how could Netflix have not suggested it to us sooner 😤 It’s all good though, because this film gives us our much-needed fix of unidentifiable objects, Rube Goldberg machines, + husbands with mousy features (we’ll elaborate on all, don’t worry). Join us under the bed as we discuss Dark Skies (2013), the Kerry Russell film that needs a sequel most!!! (I mean, MAYBE…we need to re-examine her filmography)