From Under The Bed
Join Stevie and Sarah under the bed each episode as they discuss spooky movies old and new! Grab your flashlights, a blanket, and some snacks. It's about to get SpOoKy!
From Under The Bed
The Lie (2018)
Stevie Andujar & Sarah de Leon
Not gonna LIE (*elbow nudge*) we had never heard of The Lie (2018) before, but if Joey King stars in it - say no more - WE’RE THERE! THATS OUR RAMONA! We discuss cold eggs for breakfast (like, for EVERY breakfast), the comforting face of Peter Sarsgaard (& his height), Joey King’s agelessness & range (she is our pride & joy), & what we’d do in all the characters’ shoes (since hello, we know how to handle anything.....) Join us for this low-key mystery-thriller with twists, turns, & cozy aesthetics!